the art of garnishing your drinks

The art of garnishing your drinks!

You can easily make drinks you loved sipping in your pre-covid days when the world was yours to grab at home. One quick search and the internet tells you everything you need. But, do you know what sets the drink that you buy at bars or restaurants apart? You guessed it! Garnishes. Be it a spicy margarita or a tangy lemon punch, to feel fancy while drinking it, you have to garnish it. So, get ready for the deja vu to come and smack you in your heads and lets make some easy garnishes!

For becoming a pro bartender at the comfort of your own home, you have to learn the basics.


Herbs are the most used and easily available garnishes out there. They add a distinct flavor to your drinks and smacking or crushing your herbs right before you add them to your drink releases its natural flavors and aroma to your drinks faster.

Cinnamon sticks

cinnamon sticks


When herbs provide you with freshness and nourishment on a parched summer day, cinnamon sticks provide you with the warmth and comfort for the coldest days of the year. Again, its super easy- just drop a stick to your drink easy and it transforms your drink! We don’t use that word here lightly by the way.

Salt on the rim

Salt on the rim
Another easy but lip smack worthy garnish has to be salt on the rim. With this garnish, you never have to worry about your drinks tasting bland. Make sure you have a thin and even coat of salt around the edges because too much or too little can take away from the magic. Margaritas, here we come!

Lemon slices

Lemon slices

Not chunky, because that's when the citrusy taste overpowers the drink. A thin slice of lemon on your drink can do wonders to your drink and can make you crave more as the night goes by.

Fruit wedges

One of our personal favorites is the fruit wedges. Take your favorite fruit ( our favorite is pineapple) and stick it to the rim of your glass. It makes the drink delicious and refreshing.

Citrus fruit peels

Citrus fruit peels

Orange or lemon peels are also great garnishes. There are a lot of fancy and fun ways to incorporate them into your drink. Our favorites include coin twist and peel twists.

Iced flowers and herbs

Iced flowers

This is cute and quirky and looks beautiful. This easy to make garnish requires an ice tray, water, edible flowers/ fruits/ herbs and a freezer. You can add these to any drink and make it classy.

Dehydrated garnishes:

Dehydrated garnishes are all the rage now. They look beautiful, are easy to make and add sophistication to the entire thing. Berries, citrus fruits/peels, and stone fruits are some easy and delicious ones.
Presentation affects perception. That is the lesson we learned during this lockdown and since garnishes are an easy and quirky way to make sure your drinks give you the complete experience, we decided we would help you with some easy and delicious ones. Garnish, sip and stay safe!

Presentation affects perception. That is the lesson we learned during this lockdown and since garnishes are an easy and quirky way to make sure your drinks give you the complete experience, we decided we would help you with some easy and delicious ones. Garnish, sip and stay safe!

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